Hey Nevermore!
On Saturday, May 16th, we hosted our first outdoor socially distant classes, and it was a big success!
Sunshine, fresh air and super-clean equipment makes everyone happy.
If you’re asking yourself, hey, Nevermore has outdoor group classes now? WHAT?!?! Stop reading this, and head over to https://nevermorecrossfit. com/phase-1-outdoor-wod- information/ to see all of our Phase 1 updates.
For everyone who is planning to attend outdoor classes this week, just some friendly reminders to make you well prepared to attend:
- Class spaces are limited and you can only attend if you’ve reserved a space in a class more than 1 hour prior to the start of said class. For more details on how to reserve a class in PushPress, our member management app, visit https://m.youtube.com/
watch?feature=youtu.be&v= Hz6uC2C5mVU for a great how-to video.
- You should also open your PushPress app to review your profile. Confirm that your email address is up-to-date and your phone number is entered so you receive updates regarding class schedule and availability, as well as receive our regular communications.
- Staff are required to follow CDC guidelines regarding personal responsibility, cleanliness and social distancing. Members are asked to do the same. If you have any symptoms of illness or any known potential contact, please cancel your reserved spot(s) as soon as possible and do not attend classes.
- Per Phase 1 mandates, all of our locations are outdoors, and these spaces have no overhead cover. Bring your own water. Also, dressing in layers and bringing your own sunscreen may help you feel comfortable no matter what type of weather is occurring.
- Speaking of weather: any member who has reserved to attend a class will be notified 1 hour prior to the start of said class if it is canceled due to inclement weather.
Please note: if you are not comfortable attending in-person classes, our Zoomfit classes will continue three times a day during the week, as they have been since the start of Quarantine. The only class that has been removed is the Saturday morning Zoomfit (due to low attendance.). We are asking that everyone pre-register for these classes, as well, so we can track attendance.
Now that in-person outdoor classes have officially started, we need to reclaim our rented equipment. Phase 1 collection went well, and now we have the sign-ups for the second collection to gather everything else.
- Please visit https://www.
signupgenius.com/go/ 9040a4fa4a82ca4fc1-equipment1 to sign up for a time slot to return your borrowed Nevermore equipment. ALL EQUIPMENT MUST BE RETURNED NO LATER THAN 5/29. Please contact Kristin Carasiti at kristin@nevermorecrossfit.com if you have questions or concerns.
One last reminder: as of June 1, we have new pricing options based on our Phase 1 updates and mandates from the Governor. Every member must complete the form found here: https://docs.google.com/ forms/d/e/ 1FAIpQLSdjeY1CeKoBdDxhcRke4BLU sEuyg94TMnsppo8FRy_I_9R4fg/ viewform no later than May 20 to choose a new pricing option (or to continue the option most like your current one).
Please contact Emily Mucci at emily@nevermorecrossfit.com if you have questions or concerns.
Our set locations (for now, unless anything changes) will be the following:
- Weekday in-person classes: “Mini Turf”
- Coppermine Sports Center Mini Turf
5731 Cottonworth Ave
Baltimore, MD 21209
- Coppermine Sports Center Mini Turf
- Weekend in-person classes: “Original Coppermine CrossFit Turf”
- 1400 Coppermine Terrace Baltimore, MD 21209
Our goal is to keep you moving, happy, and most importantly, healthy. We look forward to seeing you in class this week!
Kind regards,
Emily Mucci and the Nevermore Team