Nevermore Preparedness

At Nevermore CrossFit, the physical and mental health and safety of our members, and the communities in which we operate, is our top priority.  At this time, there are currently no mandated actions being put in place for our operations, and we look forward to seeing you for our regularly scheduled classes! Continuing to build on our fitness is the antidote for the effects of things like the flu and all coronaviruses!

To keep yourself and others healthy amid growing concerns around the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), Nevermore CrossFit is taking steps to be extra vigilant. We are disinfecting equipment areas each day and encourage all members to do the same, as well as follow these steps:


  • We ask any athletes that have recently traveled overseas, or that traveled to a state or city that has been deemed “high risk,” to hold off coming into Nevermore CrossFit for 14 days upon their return.
  • If you or someone in your household is sick or has been exposed to COVID-19, or you have been exposed to a confirmed COVID-19 case, please stay home per CDC guidelines and refrain from entering Nevermore CrossFit. 
  • Coaches will NOT come to the gym sick, and if an athlete is coughing or sneezing continuously, the Coach has the right to politely ask the athlete to leave – for the comfort, safety and well-being of everyone.


  • Please wash your hands with soap and water BEFORE and AFTER workouts.
  • Find alternate ways to greet and congratulate your fellow athletes without touching: thumbs up, verbal cheering and clapping, Vulcan salute, etc.
  • Clean ALL of the items you are going to use before you take them out to use them, and all of the items you touched during your workout with disinfectant wipes AFTER YOU PUT THEM AWAY (this includes the rig space you used, and the PVC pipes you warmed up with, in addition to all other equipment).  Also, please clean up your water bottles, and clean your towels off of the floor.
        • Cleaning the items before you put them away, and then picking them up to put them away defeats the purpose.

We’re Here To Help:

For those athletes who are social distancing in an effort to keep themselves and those around them safe and healthy, we are preparing an “At Home” version of each workout, daily – to keep you moving and engaged on SugarWOD and in the community!  Our “At Home” variations will begin Monday, March 16th (with some more awesome items coming your way to keep you safe, happy, healthy and motivated during this time).  

To view them:

  • Go to your “SugarWOD” app
  • Each day will have an “At Home Workout (insert date here)” listed
  • Above where you log your “Result”, click “Prepare” for video tutorials of the movements in each workout.  

Other Class Based Announcements:

  • Beginning Saturday, March 14 – as per request of the Coppermine Facility – we will be limiting our class sizes.
    • Week day classes will be limited to 10 people
    • Weekend classes will be limited to 15 people
      • You MUST register in advance, as we will not allow additional people to enter the classes.
  • We will be eliminating partner workouts until further notice.

We all do CrossFit because it helps us stay happy, healthy and prevent diseases. Think of this as the same… preventative measures go a long way.  

We’ll keep everyone updated as we are. Thank you for your patience and cooperation!

Stay safe and healthy!

Your Loving Nevermore Team