“9/11 Tribute”
This year marks the 20th Anniversary of the September 11th, 2001 attacks on U.S soil. Majority of us remember exactly where we were and what we were doing when the first attack happened.
We couldn’t host a competition on this day without a tribute WOD remembering all of the people who lost their lives in the attacks, and honoring all of the heroes who gave their lives attempting to save so many.
We Will Never Forget.

This Chipper is a “You Go/I Go” style partner WOD, with an 11 minute time cap.
Partner 1 will complete ALL 11 REPS of movement 1, then Partner 2 will complete ALL 11 REPS of the same movement, before Partner 1 is able to move onto the next movement.
Your score for this workout will be your time completed. IF the team does not complete the WOD in under the 11 minute time cap, 1 second will be added for every rep not completed.
Deadlifts: Barbell must touch ground at the bottom of the movement, and athlete must have full hip extension at the top of the movement
Hang power cleans: Start at the top of the knee and finish with full hip and knee extension with the barbell in the front rack position.
Front squats: Must get below parallel, and must reach full extension at the top.
Shoulder to overhead: Requires a FULL lockout overhead, with full hip and knee extension before the barbell descends.
Toes to bar: Feet must break the plane of the rig at the bottom of the movement, and BOTH FEET must touch the rig at the top of the movement.
Handstand push ups: Must complete with FULL arm extension at the top of the rep, and be CONTROLLED (if you bounce off the wall before lockout, it will be a no rep).
Box Jump Overs: Hands can’t touch the box. Both feet MUST to touch the box. Must jump on / can step off.
Deadlifts: Barbell must touch ground at the bottom of the movement, and athlete must have full hip extension at the top of the movement
Hang power cleans: Start at the top of the knee and finish with full hip and knee extension with the barbell in the front rack position.
Front squats: Must get below parallel, and must reach full extension at the top.
Shoulder to overhead: Requires a FULL lockout overhead, with full hip and knee extension before the barbell descends.
Knees to 90: Feet must break the plane of the rig at the bottom of the movement, and BOTH KNEES must get to, at least, 90 degrees at the top of the movement.
Hand Release Push Ups: Standards will follow this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHtt49_Pljw
Box Step Overs: Hands can’t touch the box. Both feet MUST to touch the box.