Frequently Asked Questions
Your CrossFit related questions answered.
Do I need to be in shape to start CrossFit?
That’s like asking, “Do I need to lose weight before I change my diet?” We can scale any workout and modify any movement. The hardest part is walking through the door. Get in here!
Will I get hurt?
Maybe. But not because CrossFit is dangerous. On the contrary, doing nothing is dangerous! There is the possibility of injury in any sport. You can pinch a nerve in your neck drying your head with a towel, but hopefully, you’re not going to give up showers. At Nevermore we are VERY cognizant of the injury factor and our coaching philosophy puts proper movement first. Then we prioritize consistency in moving properly. Only then do we introduce speed of movement and increase of load.
Will I get bulky?
Only if you want to! Women (and men) who get bulky from exercise eat and train like a Viking (and probably add in some “pharmacology”). The whole point of CrossFit is to create lean muscle mass and promote general physical preparedness.
Why is CrossFit more expensive than other gyms?
The real answer: Because it works! You have a coach to hone your technique, keep you safe and push you when you need it. You have workouts programmed for you…workouts that are time-tested and provide results. You have a community of like-minded people who will motivate you and hold you accountable. You have fun at the gym! It’s the same price as your Venti Iced Mocha and it’s cheaper than your personal trainer…
How is Nevermore different than other CrossFit affiliates?
Any affiliate you walk into will say something similar…our coaches are great, our group loves each other, we compete hard but still have fun. So what makes NEVERMORE different?
From the top-down, there is no “me-first” mentality…our coaching staff-to-member ratio is more than 1-to-10. As an athlete, you have access to over a dozen coaches’ experience, tips, personalities, philosophies, and cues. We program for YOU, not for me. There are no WOD cliques…all of our programs are open to all of our athletes and everyone is encouraged to participate!
We have a one-month commitment at all times…it is our belief that once you give us a fair shot you will continue to invest in your fitness.
We have amenities…sure CrossFit has a garage gym mentality, but let’s face it, these things are nice: showers, locker rooms, child care, towel service, air conditioning…all alongside a fleet of indoor rowers, a Rogue pull-up rig, Weighlifting platforms and blocks, loud music, and all the standard CrossFit toys! We train and operate based on a simple maxim: To look good naked and have fun getting there!
How CrossFit Classes Can Help YOU!
Our coaches work to build human connections through fitness that encourages fun, inspires action, and realizes your TRUE potential.

Monday 5AM–7PM | Friday 5AM–5:30PM |
Tuesday 6AM–7PM | Saturday 7AM–7PM |
Wednesday 5AM–7PM | Sunday 7AM–7PM |
Thursday 6AM–7PM |
Our Location
1420 Clarkview Rd
Baltimore, MD 21209
Get In Touch